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Speaker. Teacher. # 1 best selling author. 

I am a mother.  I am a runner. I am a teacher, speaker, pastor, coach, vegan, daughter, and friend.   I love Jesus and I love people. I have lived much of my life in a quick sand of insecurities.  I have made mistakes.  I have stumbled.  Oh, who am I kidding?  There have been times when I have just plain fallen on my face.  My heart has been broken more times than I can remember, and I suspect that I have broken a few as well. Sound familiar?  Sure it does.  Good times.  But there is more.  Mine is a story of an average girl, living an abundant life!

  You see, The God of all the universe loves us and forgives us and gets us even when nobody else does, and through the details of our day-to-day lives, woos us to a life of abundance with Him…here and now.   Join me as I dig into God’s word and share some helpful thoughts I’ve picked up along the way, making the journey lighter, sweeter, and a lot more entertaining.


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